
The infrastructure is financially very attractive. Through a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, we have been able to secure easy and economical access to obtaining cardiovascular physiological and phenotypical data for researchers associated with a Danish research institution.

You pay the following expenses:

  • Purchase of animals
  • Genotyping of genetically modified animals
  • Expenses associated with housing of animals
    • Currently these rates are about:
      Mouse: DKK 70 per cage per week
      Rat: DKK 130 per cage per week
  • Any new or extension to previous license from the Animal Experiments Inspectorate, if needed

We cover the following expenses:

  • Rederivation of mouse line from sperm
  • Surgery, including consumables and technician time
  • Radiotransmitters

Prices may vary for researchers from foreign institutions and researchers from private enterprises.